Since we are celebrating our sixtieth birthday this year, 1964 is very much on our minds and when we discovered this spread in the 6th May 1964 issue of The Tatler it was too interesting not to share. It shows a group of photographers who were regularly working for the magazine, posing by the Thames outside the Royal Festival Hall. The photograph (or rather photographs, as it's actually two separate shots montaged together to mirror each other) was taken for the magazine by John Hedgecoe and after a quick bit of research, most of the photographers in the picture were either already successful, or were on their way to becoming so, proving that Tatler attracted established snappers at the top of their game as well as providing a seedbed for up and coming photographers. Here's a rundown of who was who.
Left hand page, from left.
Left hand page, from left.
- Romano Cagnoni went on to become a distinguished photojournalist, particularly of war subjects, with his images of the Nigerian Biafra war famously appearing in LIFE magazine.
- Philip Townsend (seated on the steps) was known as 'Mr Sixties'. He took the first photographs of the Rolling Stones and set up a studio with Christopher Thynne, younger son of the Marquess of Bath. He gave up photography in 1969 and pursued what was a chequered career in business, eventually winding up, bizarrely, as butler to Rupert Murdoch (his wife was cook)!
- Iain Stewart Macmillan (also on the steps) goes down in the annals of photographic history as the man who shot The Beatles 'Abbey Road' album cover.
- Graham Smith-Attwood went on to become a successful cameraman working on films including, 'Chariots of Fire'.
- Tony Evans (on the parapet, left) photographed numerous famous faces of the 1960s including David Hockney, Peter Blake and Bob Dylan before moving on to specialise in nature and still life, working on the best-selling book, 'English Cottages' with Candida Lycett-Green. It was Tony who photographed the famous psychedelic Tatler cover of artist Bridget Riley just a few weeks after this picture was taken.
- Barry Lategan (parapet), the man who discovered Twiggy.
- Morris Newcombe (parapet) became a respected theatrical photographer.
- Anthony Crickmay (parapet seated) is best known now for his ballet photography, particularly with the Royal Ballet and his collection is now in the V&A. He was invited to take the 90th birthday portrait of the Queen Mother in 1990.
- Alan Vines (parapet), who worked for Pictorial Press and shot reportage for weekly news magazines.
Opposite page from right.
- Barry Swaebe, part of the Swaebe photographic dynasty - his father A.V. Swaebe also contributed to Tatler as did his sister Berry. The Swaebes were the main photographers of society events with Tatler probably their most regular customer.
- John French, the doyen of modern fashion photography, blazing a trail for photographers such as David Bailey and Terence Donovan, both of whom started out in French's studio. French pioneered a sharp, crisp, contrasting style of elegant photography that reproduced well in newspapers and was a regular behind the camera at Tatler fashion shoots, particularly during the 1950s and early '60s. Born in 1907, he is a lot older than of the other photographers in this picture but manages to look effortlessly suave in a pair of shades!
- Sandra Lousada was the granddaughter of A.P. Herbert and daughter of theatre designer, Jocelyn Herbert. She started out with her camera at a very young age and has a had a successful career as an editorial and portrait photographer, with an exhibition celebrating her work held at the National Portrait Gallery in 2012. We are proud to represent Sandra's wonderful archive of photography and are grateful for the additional information she provided about the people in this picture.
- Norman Eales was a leading fashion photograph whose images appeared in glossy magazines including Harper's Bazaar. Interestingly for us at Mary Evans, according to House and Garden magazine, at the age of 28 in 1964, he was living at the Paragon, the famous and very exclusive Georgian crescent in Blackheath. We wonder if he ever crossed paths with our founders, Mary and Hilary?
- Bill Bates (seated with dog) - we can' find out much on Bill apart from he worked for the agency Van Hallen, but if anyone knows about his career, we'd be interested in learning more.
- Tom Hustler (in front of Bill Bates), the charming, Old Etonian society photographer who cultivated a reputation as a flirt and 'deb's delight'. Born at Acklam Hall in North Yorkshire, Hustler's family fell on hard times and the hall was sold. His mother, who had a gambling habit, knew the Kray Borthers. Hustler trained with Dorothy Wilding and after several years living life in the fast lane, eventually settled down and married. He photographed thousands of society wedding and, as a friend of Lord Snowdon, took Princess Margaret's engagement photograph.
- Tessa Grimshaw (seated on parapet), is better known today as Tessa Traegar after she married fellow photographer and designer, Ron Traeger, who died tragically young. Tessa is still working as a photographer, specialising in still life, rural subjects, food and gardens. She has collaborated on books with food writer, Arabella Boxer, formerly Lady Arabella Stuart, who was married to Mark Boxer, one of the people who started London Life, the magazine designed to replace Tatler the following year. So many connections!
- Roger Hill (next to Tessa). Again, there isn't much information about Roger, but one of his images - of Ida Kar - is held by the National Portrait Gallery.
- Captioned as Dick Swayne (foreground, seated), we think this may be Eric Swayne, who took some legendary photographs of various sixties figures including Twiggy. His other claim to fame is he was the boyfriend of Pattie Boyd before she hooked up with George Harrison. (If anyone out there knows of a photographer called Dick Swayne instead, then we'd be happy to hear from you).
- Paul Vincenzi (foot of steps) only dabbled in photography and went on to become an advertising executive (Sandra Lousada recalls shooting images for his agency). He later married the journalist and best-selling novelist, Penny Vincenzi.
A fascinating bunch I'm sure you'll agree. The Tatler from 1901 to 1965 is held here at the library as part of the Illustrated London News archive. Now searchable via the British Newspaper Archive, it's an incomparable visual resource and we continue to find treasures on a daily basis.
Let us know if you'd like us to search the archive on your behalf by calling 020 8318 0034 or emailing