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Picture 10138507, illustration by Raphael Kirchner on a postcard, 1905.
Image copyright Mary Evans

Le stagioni dell’anima / The seasons of the soul
by Lucia Fusi

Le stagioni dell’anima

Nei miei mattini fragili

Dove tutto è precario

Ad occhi chiusi mi guardo

Osservo le pieghe della mia anima

Le curve e le asperità

Le ombre

E la luce che rivela piccoli focolari mai spenti

Dove so che risiede la mia forza

Le colline in fiore lasciano spazio a manti di foglie

Le stagioni dell’anima rivelano segni indelebili

Scopro nuovi anfratti in cui nascondermi




The seasons of the soul

In my fragile mornings

Where everything is precarious

With my eyes closed I look at myself

I observe the folds of my soul

Curves and roughness

The shadows

And the light that reveals small fireplaces never extinguished

Where I know that my strength lies

The blossoming hills give way to mantles of leaves

The seasons of the soul reveal indelible signs

I discover new recesses in which to hide


© Lucia Fusi

Picture 10138507, illustration by Raphael Kirchner on a postcard, 1905.

Image copyright Mary Evans  

Lucia Fusi was born in Como, Italy, in 1974. After working for 21 years as a nurse and matron in Milan, she moved to London with her husband in October 2014. She is a Specialist Nurse and works for the NHS. Some of her favourite poets are Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, Alda Merini and Jacques Prévert. She has been writing poetry for several years.


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