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Picture 13350228, © Igor Zotin / TASS / Mary Evans

Petricore / Petrichor
by Lucia Fusi

I am like the land without water
arid and scentless during the drought
which suddenly releases its most intimate essence when
without warning
the rain arrives, in abundance
so that I don’t have the time to absorb it
because its strength and vehemence don’t allow me to

The water floods everything on the surface
it takes everything by force

it ceases to fall
and what remains slowly seeps into the depths

From this I draw nourishment
quench my thirst
cleanse myself
and rise again

This is how I feel, mostly
This is how it happens, mostly


Sono come la terra senz’acqua
arida e inodore durante la siccità
che improvvisamente emana la sua più intima essenza quando
senza preavviso
arriva la pioggia, in quantità
così che non ho il tempo di assorbirla
perché la sua forza e l’irruenza non me lo permettono

L’acqua allaga tutto in superficie
si prende tutto di prepotenza

cessa di cadere
e ciò che resta penetra lentamente nelle profondità

Da ciò traggo nutrimento
mi disseto
mi lavo
e mi rialzo

E’ così che mi sento, per lo più
E’ così che avviene, per lo più



© Lucia Fusi

Picture 13350228, © Igor Zotin / TASS / Mary Evans 

Lucia Fusi was born in Como, Italy, in 1974. After working for 21 years as a nurse and matron in Milan, she moved to London with her husband in October 2014. She is a Specialist Nurse and works for the NHS. Some of her favourite poets are Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, Alda Merini and Jacques Prévert. She has been writing poetry for several years.


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