The nation's history now available to license through Mary Evans Picture Library

Mary Evans Picture Library, the UK's leading source for historical images is delighted to announce world-wide representation of a major new contributor, The National Archives.

The National Archives is the UK Government's official archive, containing over 1000 years of history in a variety of formats including documents, posters, maps, advertisements, manuscripts and more. Included among the treasures now available to license through Mary Evans, is the will of William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde's death certificate, Empire Marketing Board posters, letters from the Titanic and stunning Victorian textiles by Christopher Dresser and wallpaper designs by Williams Cooper Boyle. The sheer depth and variety of source material available through the National Archives makes this a historic collection with a difference and with a unique character. Major events and historic topics such as slavery, Irish emancipation, both World Wars, mining and political movements are all covered while quirkier images such as outlandish advertisements or charming Christmas cracker box designs, are an unusual and unexpected twist.

'Not only are we excited to be representing the most important repository of historical documentation we have in this country,' says Paul Brown, Managing Director of Mary Evans Picture Library, 'but also from a visual point of view, we are finding many wonderful decorative images. We feel this is a collection that is going to have broad appeal to both editorial and commercial clients, and most importantly, it allows us to offer an even richer and deeper perspective on the past. It also confirms Mary Evans Picture Library as a definitive source for historical images'.

The Mary Evans National Archives collection is now available at

For a selection of images from the new collection, please click here.

For further information, please contact:
Paul Brown
Mary Evans Picture Library
59 Tranquil Vale
London SE3 0BS, UK
T: +44 (0)20 8318 0034
F: +44 (0)20 8852 7211

About The National Archives

The National Archives,, is a government department and an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. As the official archives of the UK government, it cares for, makes available and 'brings alive' a vast collection of over 1000 years of historical records, including the treasured Domesday Book.

Not only safeguarding historical information, The National Archives also manages current digital information and devises new technological solutions for keeping government records readable now and in the future. It provides world class research facilities and expert advice, publishes all UK legislation and official publications, and is a leading advocate for the archive sector.

At the heart of information policy, The National Archives sets standards of best practice that actively promotes and encourages public access to, and the re-use of information, both online or onsite at Kew. This work helps inform today's decisions and ensures that they become tomorrow's permanent record.