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Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French Post-Impressionist and Symbolist artist who worked in France and French Polynesia. His paintings often display an experimental use of bright colours. Besides his many paintings, he produced sculptures, ceramics and prints.Click here for images
Mabel Gear (1900-1997), English artist specialising in sentimental animal and bird subjects.Click here for images
Charles Gesmar (1900-1928), French poster and costume designer of the Jazz Age. Click here for images
Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944), American graphic artist, known for his creation of the Gibson Girl, an idealised representation of attractive, modern, and somewhat aloof, womanhood at the turn of the century.Click here for images
Jean Gilder, children's author and artist. Commissioned by The Medici Society in the 1970s, specialising in anthropomorphic animal characters.Click here for images
Robert Gillmor (b.1936), exemplary British bird and animal artist and printmaker. Founder member of the Society of Wildlife Artists in 1964.Click here for images
Warwick Goble (1862-1943), British illustrator mostly of children's books and fairy stories.Click here for images
John Strickland Goodall (1908-1996), British author and watercolour painter. Produced lively Victorian and Edwardian-style scenes.Click here for images
Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828), Spanish artist and printmaker, portraitist and chronicler of his age, regarded as a link between the Old Masters and more modern styles.Click here for images
Felix de Gray (fl.1920s), French illustrator of stylised scenes with fantasy elements whose work appeared in The Sketch and the Illustrated London News.Click here for images
El Greco, real name Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541-1614), Greek artist, architect and sculptor of the Spanish Renaissance, born in Crete. After a time in Italy, he moved to Toledo, Spain, where he worked from 1577 onwards. His subjects were mainly religious; he also painted portraits.Click here for images
Kate Greenaway (1846-1901), hugely popular Victorian English children's book illustrator.Click here for images
Bryan de Grineau (1883-1957), British artist, worked as a special artist for the Illustrated London News, especially as a war correspondent during World War Two.Click here for images