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Susan Beatrice Pearse (1878-1980), painter and illustrator of children's books, particularly known for the 'Ameliaranne' series.Click here for images
Fred Pegram (1870-1937), English artist and illustrator for Punch, The Tatler and many other illustrated magazines.Click here for images
Guillermo Peres - produced the stylish art deco artwork for all the covers for Dancing World Magazine and also contributed numerous internal sketches for the publication.Click here for images
Hal Bevan Petman (1894-1980), British painter and illustrator. His 'Petman Girls' drawings were serialised in The Sketch and The Bystander in the 1920s.Click here for images
Pierrot, graphic artist who contributed to The Sketch and The Tatler in the 1920s.Click here for images
Camille Pissarro (1830-1903), French impressionist and neo-impressionist painter who acted as a father figure to other artists. His main subjects were landscapes, townscapes, and working people in rural settings. He also painted portraits of family members and close acquaintances, as well as self-portraits.Click here for images
Chloe Preston(1887-1969), British author-illustrator, known for her 'Peek-a-Boos? children and 'Chunkies' wooden doll characters.Click here for images
Melton Prior (1845-1910), English artist and war correspondent for the Illustrated London News.Click here for images
Ernest Procter (1886-1935), English designer, illustrator and painter. Husband of artist Dod Procter, associated with the Newlyn School.Click here for images