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Ethel Larcombe (1879-1965), English Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau-style illustrator.Click here for images
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), French painter and printmaker of the Post-Impressionist period.Click here for images
Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), Irish painter known for portraiture, landscapes and First World War depictions.Click here for images
Philip de Laszlo (1869-1937), Hungarian-born painter who became a British citizen in 1914. Specialised in portraiture, particularly of royalty and aristocracy.Click here for images
John Leech (1817-1864), English caricaturist and illustrator of the early to mid-Victorian period.Click here for images
Alfred Leete (1882-1933), British graphic artist, most famous for designing the First World War Lord Kitchener 'Your Country Needs You' poster in 1914.Click here for images
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian polymath of the Renaissance period whose interests included many aspects of the arts and sciences as well as engineering, inventions, mathematics, palaeontology and cartography. He is best known for his portrait of the Mona Lisa, one of just a small number of his paintings to have survived.Click here for images
Georges Léonnec (1881-1940), French cartoonist and illustrator who worked for La Vie Parisienne, La Baionnette, and Le Sourire amongst other magazines.Click here for images
Samuel Wilmot Lunt (1856-1939), English artist and cartoonist who contributed to The Bystander, The Tatler and other illustrated periodicals of the First World War and 1920s.Click here for images